I'm doing some reading that I should have done decades ago. I'm half way through The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management. I hope I can make time to finish it.
My implementation of Hyrum Smith's system resembles a cross between requirements engineering and a trade study's decision matrix. Start with Values, then flow that across to Outcome Goals, then to Performance Goals, and finally to Tasks. A graphical tool like DOORS would be great for this. The Goals are stated with completion criteria, cost, preparation, time, schedule. Consider S.M.A.R.T criteria. Smith (so far) stops there.
I took some ideas from MindTools.com. They show matrices that I express as the Impact/Effort ratio and the equation,
Task Priority = Value Priority x Goal Priority x Urgency
I get a bit too introspective at times, so it's going to take a while to come up with a complete matrix.
This presents the problem of how to fit pick from the life-time worth of tasks that flow down from the values. Maybe book #4 on my reading list will help with that. It's on project management. (Book #3, What Color Is Your Parachute, was recommended as essential reading during a job search.)
This presents the problem of how to fit pick from the life-time worth of tasks that flow down from the values. Maybe book #4 on my reading list will help with that. It's on project management. (Book #3, What Color Is Your Parachute, was recommended as essential reading during a job search.)
Until I learn a better way, I'll proceed as follows: The final step groups tasks together to creates greater efficiency and to fit with external factors. For example, combining stops while shopping (e.g., {dog food = high urgency} with {finding a belt for my interviewing suit = low urgency}), and scheduling the trip for a slow time of day at the stores. From there it's a matter of seeing a logical succession of events, scattering some time between tasks for contingencies, and ensuring that the most important tasks don't fall off the bottom.
- I'll revise this post as I learn.
- Please leave comments if you have any.
- Do you know of any freeware or inexpensive software designed for time and life management?
- What system do you use?
- What values or goals do you use? I'm compiling several lists in Smith's book as a starting point. Once I edit those down, I'll provide them here.
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