A family friend has started a web site to sell baseball and softball gloves and mitts, but she's discouraged due to low search engine rankings and even lower sales. I would like to sell stuff through an internet store some day, so I've paid attention enough to know that her site needs search engine optimization (SEO).
First, a bit of background about search engines:
The Internet has computers "out there" that function like the phone book's white pages. They maintain lists of all the addresses on the internet. Computer programs called
search engines use these lists to look for web sites and then read the sites' contents. Search engines are smart enough to recognize hyperlinks, so they explore all the linked pages, too.
Search engines use lists of vocabulary words to recognize the contents of web pages. They look in the URL, in the text, in headings, in hyperlinks contained in the pages, in the names of files such as pictures, and in a lot of hidden text that web pages contain. They also collect information about when pages were changed.
The search engines then generate statistics about what words are used in which pages. When somebody searches for something, the search engine compares the search words to the words on the web sites. These matching words are called
keywords. The search results supposedly list the best matches first.
The art of creating a web site so it lands high in the list of search results is call
search engine optimization (SEO). How high a site lands in the search results is called its
rank. Ideally, your page lands at the top of the first page.
A new web site has several strikes against it. Many web site owners pay advertising fees for higher rankings to companies like Google. Many web site owners have already optimized their sites to score higher in the search results. And many web sites, thanks to advertising and connecting to other web sites, have more links pointing back to them from other web sites.
Even with these disadvantages, a new web site owner can move his or her site up in the rankings.
Here are some ten things you can do to improve your site's rank.
1. A search engine that sees keywords in the URL of a web page will rank the page higher.
For example, my blog has my name in it. That's fine for people looking for me by name, but somebody looking for a systems engineer will find me lower in the search results.
I'm going to use
http://www.softballbaseballgloves.com as an example for the rest of this article. The address contains
baseball, and
gloves. That should bring it some hits from sports fans in the spring.
As you explore the Softball Baseball Gloves, site, you find that it has more pages. Each page that has an address containing words indicating the page content will rank higher in search engines. For example,
would score higher in Google if it read
I left in
AC-MCFB100R because it's an easy way to distinguish the page for this mitt from the pages for other first base baseball mitts.
2. Google Trends lets you determine the best keywords -- that is, the words that people search for the most.
Notice the exact words,
baseball-mitt-first-base-youth: Is this the best order, and are they the best words? To determine that, you need to ask,
- What words get this page the best ranking in search engines?
For example, which do people search for more:
baseball mitts,
baseball gloves, etc?
To find out, we first write a list of comparisons we'd like to make:
- glove, gloves, mitt, mitts
- glove, baseball glove, mitt, baseball mitt
- first base, firstbase, first baseman, firstbaseman
We might think of more comparisons to make as we go.
We can compare search terms at
To see the result for
click here or copy-and-paste this into your browser:
I assume you can read the graph and connect the boxed numbers to the notes on the right. You'll see that, by far, the most commonly searched-for term is
The graph shows that in early 2008,
mitt surpassed
gloves. The notes show why: People were searching for
Mitt Romney! Also note that
gloves spikes before Christmas each year. Perhaps people want to give warm fuzzies during the gift-giving season or want to avoid frostbite during winter. We need to refine the search.
We need to know whether baseball fans search for
mitt, or
mitts. This time, copy and paste the following into the search form:
- baseball glove, baseball gloves, baseball mitt, baseball mitts
The results show that people search for
baseball glove and
baseball gloves about equally.
(Notice also that they do it after the first of the year. The site owner can use such information for planning.)
Let's do the same for
softball to see if the same trend holds up:
- softball glove, softball gloves, softball mitt, softball mitts
(I assume you can copy-and-paste that into the search form without being told to.)
The graph shows a similar trend. So, while we want to use correct terms such as
catcher's mitt, we will get more visitors by including
glove or
gloves somewhere on the page.
Does the order make a difference? Let's try another variation:
- softball glove, glove softball
Apparently, the difference is not significant. It might make a difference in other contexts, such as
first base versus
base first.
That reminds me: I didn't like one of the vendor's terms, firstbaseman's mitt. We can let Google Trends settle the argument.
- first base, firstbase, first baseman, firstbaseman
As you can see, only the first term shows a significant number of searches, and I bet
baseman applies only to the player, not to the glove. It does not hurt to have less-used terms* on the page, but it does help to have the most common terms, too.
(*In fact, some web masters will hide synonyms and variants of the keywords at the bottom of the page. I doubt this hurts anything. Some pages, however, include irrelevant keywords such as naked and obama just to draw more visitors. This over-the-line practice, called
keyword stuffing, can actually move you down in the search engine rankings. It also brings more visitors that will not buy, which can jam up your site's Internet Service Provider' servers.)
In such naming, the most important word should come first. Try these terms in Google Trends:
- baseball, youth, glove, first base
Baseball is searched lot more than
Glove barely registers, and
first base doesn't register at all. So that's the order I would use.
I would not leave out
glove or
first base just because so few people search for those individual terms, though, because I would want to draw the visitor who might search for
first base gloves. That's a judgment call based only on my intuition.
To get the highest search engine ranking for this page, then, I would use this URL:
3. Search engines look throughout web page at the terms used. Since
gloves is a home run and
mitts strikes out, you must use these lessons in the titles, headings, text, and meta tags of every page.
Meta tags are headings hidden in the code of the page. They give information such as the title of the page, lists of keywords that search engines can use instead of reading the whole page, and the date the page was updated. Blogspot pages put keyword tags out in plain sight. Explaining how to edit the hidden codes lies beyond the scope of this posting.
Update: Google's chief engineer states that Google does not use the keywords meta tag in calculating web search ranking. He does not speak for other search engines.
4. Search engines also look at the names of pictures files. You want to name your picture files using the same naming conventions. You can abbreviate designations such as
th for
thumbnail and
lg for
For example, one picture on softballbaseballgloves.com was named
7.jpg. Google would give the page a higher ranking if the file were named,
baseball-glove-your-first-base-AC-MCFB100R-th.jpg. Yes, it seems long, but when you are organizing your files, you will thank me.
While we're talking about pictures, please indulge a pet peeve: Webmasters often use pictures of text instead of using actual text. It might make sense in a graphic design, but search engines don't read pictures. Using, for example, a button where text would work throws away a chance for your page to contain a keyword.
5. More hidden text: The code that makes a picture download provides for
Alt text that displays while the picture is loading.
Alt text helps visually impaired users browse your website. Use this code. It adds content to a page when somebody has their browser set to skip downloading pictures to speed up access, and search engines like it.
The code to display an image will look like this:
6. Search engines count hyperlinks to your web pages, including links within your web site. See #8, below. For example, an article on different pocket designs could say, "
For an example of this design, click here," which would take readers to a product page. This exposes readers to your products, and the hyperlink increases search engine ranking.
7. Search engines like fresh content. Updating all your pages at least once and ideally five times per week boost your rankings. You probably won't have time to update all the pages, but you should at least make minor changes to the top level pages such as the home page.
8. Customers are drawn to useful content. Combining this with #7, above, might be the most fun of the whole business. Here are some ideas for softballbaseballgloves.com:
- Add some pages for the histories of baseball and softball.
- Add a page with news content. It could have links to current scores and to important baseball and softball stories in the news.
- Add a Reference page that provides links to sites about rules and trivia, team home pages, the history of the games.
- Add a page with your own content related to your products. What is the difference between an infielder's glove and an outfielder's glove or between a baseball glove and a softball glove? What are the differences between the brands? How did we get two versions of the same sport?
- Add a page for posting customer testimonials.
- Update pages with comments. For example, on the Support page, you might document a customer's problem and how you solved it to demonstrate your winning personality and the high quality of your customer service.
Content pages draw more visitors to a site by presenting more subjects that they might search for. Frequently updated content such as scores or commentary will turn visitors into repeat visitors. If your product line changes infrequently, non-product content will give you the excuse to update your site. More pages on your site also means more pages listed in the search engine results, as well as more links between the pages of the site.
So set a goal of giving search engines a reason to keep scanning your site and giving visitors a reason to return for more information.
9. Resubmit your web site to search engines after making changes. Otherwise, you could have to wait weeks to see the results of your work. Again, how to do this is out of scope, except to say that I would never hire a service to do it for me.
A service could submit your site to hundreds of search engines, but most people use only a few, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Ask. (Besides, a lot of search pages are "powered by" the major engines.) You could submit your web site to the few search engines that will get you the vast majority of your visitors in less time that it takes to hire a service to do it for you.
10. A lot of web marketers make people establish "accounts" before letting them access content such as the content pages or free e-books. They only do this for one reason, which is to build a mailing list for newsletters. Newsletters is a polite word for advertising. Or at leas an excuse to slip advertising through the mail slot. Newsletters can become quite a commitment, but they are a way to draw in the most likely paying customers.
I know, #10 has nothing to do with SEO, but the purpose of SEO is to draw more visitors so you can make more sales, so it sort of fits.
Some people have SEO down to a science. Major web sites can profit from gathering massive statistics and fine-tuning their sites' search engine rankings. However, just these nine steps (I'm not counting #10) will give you the greatest return on your investment of time and effort to draw more visitors.
Copyright 2010, Richard Wheeler, All Rights Reserved